Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Seriously? It's been 5 months?!

ok, I knew I hadn’t blogged for a while, but I did NOT realize it had been since JANUARY!

There are main 3 things that keep me from blogging:

1. Distraction-every time I go to our blog to add a new post, I look through all of our friends’ blogs first…and boy does my blogging time just slip between my fingers.

2. I’ve posted so infrequently that by the time I sit down to do it, there are TONS of things to blog about and SO many pictures to sort through.  This leads to a sort of binge-blogging behavior where I cover a ton of ground with each post.  Then next time I need to blog, I put it off because last time it took SO LONG.

3. Somewhere deep inside, I hesitate to blog because I don’t have a long-term plan for family journaling.  I still write in my journal-yes, old school style with pen and paper- as well as add to Kayden’s digital scrapbook, type in the word document I have as my own digital journal, and then there’s Facebook.  This is what we call indecision. I need to find a method that works for us and stick with it. Any advice or ideas from any other moms out there who are trying to keep journals/scrapbooks/life books in this digital age??

As Darin knows well, distraction and indecision are two of my biggest handicaps.  I do believe I will be able to overcome them with time and effort, but it’s sure  long road to recovery!  For now…I’ll keep trying.

1 comment:

  1. I blog about everything. And then every year or so I use to print my blog into a book. And the cool thing is, if there is something you want to write but not necessarily publish it for the whole world to see, you can keep it as a draft post and it can still be included in your blog book.
