Sunday, October 31, 2010


This is me trying to blog with Kayden on my lap. ;k lhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh cy >g]p[-[]fdc vb ,.k, rr /[pp m 42 '

What you can't see is the 20 windows that pop up, my attempts to get him distracted by something else, his insisting that the only thing he wants is a keyboard, his crying and my lack of sympathy. What you can't hear is the smacking of the keys, the difference between the real cries when he's hit the keys too hard and the fake cry when he's not getting what he wants.

Blogging with Kayden involves all 5 senses and I wanted to share the WHOLE experience with you.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

the best 3 years

This year, we turned our 3rd anniversary into a family birthday celebration- commemorating the day our family was born. Our anniversary was on Monday, but the celebration began on Friday and continued through Tuesday. Here are some of the ways we celebrated:
  • Camping
  • Hiking
  • Dinner at Macaroni Grill
  • Looked through our notes and pictures from when we were dating (which is quite the collection!) while on temple square where we were married
  • Attended the temple together

I can't count the number of times in the last 3 years I've asked myself,
"Does life get any better than this?"
...and it just keeps getting better.

We tried to get a good picture with all 3 of us in it...but since we were taking the picture ourselves, we couldn't quite get all of us in it. This is the best we got.

(Oh, and by the way, I know it looks like Kayden is much happier with his dad than with his mom...but just keep in mind who he was looking at when we took each of these pictures. hehe)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

attempting raspberries

Just had to share this! We're having so much fun with this little guy!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A handful of deliciousness

For the first few days of his life, I would just cry
whenever I looked at him. I can finally control the tears...
but I can't stop the smile.

Thanks for the wonderful pictures, Michelle.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Kayden’s birth story

Friday, April 30, 2010

· 9:00 AM. Appointment with Dr. Grover. She said she had discussed our case with a perinatologist and changed her mind about waiting until Sunday or Monday to induce. She said there is always discussion about the risks of inducing with an unfavorable cervix (she previously had told us that the risk of c-section for inducing with an unfavorable cervix was 50%). She suggested we start with induction this morning. We quickly consented!

· 10:30 AM. We met our first L/D nurse Christy. She was perfect for our first eight hours. She was upbeat and helped us feel comfortable right away. Rachel had ¼ of a Cytotek (prostaglandin pill) that placed directly on her cervix to soften it and start labor. She got three more doses every four hours until Rachel only had cramps for the rest of the day.

· 3:00 PM. Jenny arrived and spent a few hours with us. It has been really relaxing so far. Rachel has had minimal discomfort. We have mainly talked and relaxed. Marlon came a few hours later with some food. They stayed and played cards with Rachel until 9ish. Things have been more relaxing, yet surreal, than I expected. My parents skyped in from Mexico (they are there for a dental convention with Mercer.) It was wonderful to see them and talk. Rach and I think we could be the most technologically involved couple on the floor with the laptop, webcam, cameras, and speakers. It was funny to hear my dad say, “we are headed to dinner. If anything changes just text me and we’ll come up and skype you.” I teased him and said I never imagined that I would hear my dad so those two things in the same sentence.

· 11:00 PM. Rachel still hasn’t dilated beyond a 1. Her cervix has softened a little bit more. Dr. Grover placed a balloon inside the cervix to put pressure on it and make it dilate more. We were planning on settling in and sleeping for the rest of the night. That didn’t happen! As soon as the balloon was placed, Rachel started to shake. Not like a seizure, but more like really bad shivers. It took us both by surprise. I knew that I could help her relax (I had done this same thing lots of times since we got married and she became really anxious). I climbed up into the bed with her, and helped her breath slow and deep. Quickly the shivers went away. We were happy that we could work together and get us both relaxed and ready for an adventurous night.

May 1, 2010

· 12:00 AM. The contractions finally picked up speed and intensity. From 12 – 7:30 we worked together to relax and move along with the labor. The first few hours were very challenging. I stayed up in bed with her and helped her relax. She was brave and diligent, even though she sometimes thought about how long the road still was. I was so proud of her! After a few hours she walked around. This was surprisingly helpful because the contractions weren’t as painful. When she climbed back we decided to try something we learned in a Lamaze class called counter-pressure. What I did was push below her knee cap and just lateral to her ischium, bringing my hands together. It was amazing the difference this made. Sometimes there was little pain and other times it took the edge off. We did this until 7 AM; at least I tried to keep doing it. I became so tired that I would fall asleep with Rachel between contractions. Sometimes I would wake up to compress again, and other times I didn’t. She was so sweet and patient with me the whole time. This was another thing for which I was so proud of her. She was kind and considerate to me and the staff the entire time, even though her pain levels were at times extreme.

· 7:30 AM. Rach decided to get an epidural. She had wanted to experience unmedicated labor and had hoped to do the whole thing without drugs. But because the labor had already gone on for so many hours, she was exhausted and worried about having strength to go through transition labor and push. As we prepared to go unmedicated one of Rachel’s biggest concern was not feeling like a failure if she opted for an epidural. But she didn’t feel like a failure and enjoyed the rest of the morning.

· 12:00 PM. Things moved along quickly after the epidural. She was no longer in pain, but was also totally aware of everything which was awesome. Jenny came again this morning and stayed the rest of the time. Between her epidural and pushing Rachel progressed from a dilation of 4cm to 9cm in only three hours. Then in less than an hour was complete. She waited for an hour and a half to let contractions do work in pushing the baby.


Time of birth: 4:14 pm

Weight: 8 lbs. (exactly!)

Length: 20 inches

Sunday, April 25, 2010

k seriously

Fishing party is OVER! Come on out baby!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Reason #10

My mom figures he's just too busy hanging out with his uncle Brian (my brother who died as a baby). I think chances are also good he's fishing with Grandpa. =)

Come on...we're fun too! Come play with us little boy!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Reasons he's waiting...

As many of you know, my due date was the 18 and so far, there's no sign of this baby coming really soon. Luckily he's doing great according to an ultrasound we just had and so there are no worries about going overdue. We'll just continue to occasionally monitor how he's doing (at the doctor's office and hospital) and wait until he's ready to come.

Here are some reasons why I think he's been waiting:

1. Let Mom finish her thesis
2. Let Dad finish his classes and finals
2. Let Mom interview for jobs for next year
4. Since he waited to come, we'll experience some extra benefits with insurance because he'll be born after a certain deadline they have
5. Let Mom have another week to feel less scarred about being a mom and more excited about it! (feeling SO excited, by the way!)
6. Wait for Grandma Rhean to get back in town
7. Wait for his DOCTOR to get back in town (fhew!)
8. Let Dad build up some anticipation for Mom going into labor (he's never been more attentive to my texts and phone calls! Every morning he talks like we're having the baby that day =)
9. Wait until it's closer to the time to move into a neighboring apartment that has one more bedroom (it'll be nice to only be cramped for a little bit...instead of several weeks)
10. ???
I'm sure we'll find more reasons this week...

The Lord works in mysterious ways...I'm so glad He's looking out for us and knows when to let this little one come. We're trusting Him.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Nervous for your defense?

Lots of people have been asking if I'm nervous about my thesis defense meeting. To any who are wondering, here is my answer:

"Are you kidding?? I'm WAY more nervous about being a mom... This thesis thing is no big deal. Being a mom the rest of my life? Now that will be the real challenge."

Feel free to leave encouraging notes. Ladies, tell me all the things you love about motherhood. Tell me all about the joy it brings.

I've heard enough lately about how hard it is.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Grahm Canyon in a CUP

Yesterday was a great day. After feeling hopeless just the day before about meeting thesis deadlines (due to complications), yesterday was different. The stars aligned (meaning God intervened and blessed) and things are looking good again. So, on my way home from school after filling out forms, petitions, making revisions, etc., I decided to stop at the creamery for a little reward: grahm canyon ice cream. YUM!

I got a child scoop...this time in a CONE. Thinking it would be an extra treat to have it in a cone as opposed to just a cup...I was sorely disappointed. They don't give you nearly as much in a cone as in a cup. I went out to my car and enjoyed the ice cream...briefly, for there wasn't much in that cone. And then I did something very uncharacteristic of me...I went back in the store and got another one. =) This time in a CUP! No more cones for me! The cashier got a kick out of this very pregnant woman coming back in for another ice cream. Same flavor and everything--just needed some more.

Oh yeah, that hit the spot...completely. Thank you BYU creamery.

Friday, April 2, 2010

The perfect cradle

I have fallen in love...with a cradle. Darin's dad MADE this for us. Isn't it gorgeous?! And the beautiful star quilt was made by Darin's mom. It goes really well with the cradle and my favorite little musical toy elephant that was a gift from my sister.

Just had to show off! I'm so blessed with wonderful and talented family members!

37 weeks...and totally waddling =)

At the beginning of the pregnancy, I remember telling Darin that I'd like him to tell me if I ever start to waddle as I walk...I was determined to NOT do that ridiculous waddle thing that most pregnant women do. I get it. It feels way better to waddle. So, I do.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cute little baby stuff

Here's just some of the cute stuff I have to show you...

This is the outfit we want to bring our baby home in. It's really soft and oh so darling. It was a gift from my good friend from school, Kristi. hehe, it's so yummy!
Thanks to a family friend in my parents' ward who gave us her rocker, we'll have a great place to feed and hold our little one. The blanket was handcrafted by my mother...I LOVE it! She knows my taste so well. =)

We finally got a carseat. I'm still not sure about the colors, but it's a great carseat and we got a pretty good deal for a brand new Chicco. Notice the little crocheted lamb (made by my friend Maria--amazing!) who's been the baby model for the last few months. We've put him in the cradle, the stroller, and we've even dressed him in some of the baby clothes. =)

Monday, March 1, 2010

33 weeks and counting...

Graduate courses...check!
Passing the PRAXIS exam...check!
Clinical hours...check!
Internships...4 more days! draft will be in to the committee for revision this week!
Cradle...on it's way!
Baby bath...check!
Rocker...check (thanks Meghan)!
Diaper bag...check!
Bouncer...still looking (ideas?)
Stroller...still deciding (any suggestions?)
Carseat...still looking
Baby showers...coming up! =D so excited to see friends and family!

wow--life's good

Sunday, January 31, 2010

homemade artisan bread

It wasn't until I got married that I realized that cooking was not a talent I had been given nor had I put the time into developing the skill. So, thanks to the fact that my husband will pretty-much eat and enjoy anything and the fact that I'm willing to keep trying to cook, we're getting along ok.

However, I also learned that I have a real love for baking. Specifically, baking


I used just stick to rolls, breadsticks, cinnamon rolls and wheat bread loaves. But then a while ago, a friend of mine who's a fabulous cook gave me this book called "Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day"...and it's changed my life. (Thanks Mandy!) Seriously, this bread is soooo yummy and the dough recipes are fool-proof! I've never had a loaf not turn out (and I'm good at accidentally putting too much or too little of something in, or forgetting about one little part of the directions). It's so easy because it doesn't require kneading and the dough can sit in your fridge ready to be cooked for up to two weeks.

And hey, it looks fancy doesn't it?

These are just pictures of the plain french bread, but I've also made the Italian Semolina Bread, which is super yummy too. There are recipes for herb or cheese breads that I'm going to try soon. But they all stem from the same basic recipe that you just add extra ingredients to.

Just wanted to put in a plug for this book because I've found it to make baking bread even quicker and more fun! It's written by Jeff Hertzberg and Zoe case you want to check it out. Oh, and you don't have to use a baking stone. Before someone gave me one, I used a cookie sheet and it worked just fine.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

jobs that go unnoticed

Today I'm blogging about a job that would otherwise go unnoticed. No one is to blame. It's not that anyone else even should notice it. It's just one of those jobs that needs to be done, but won't be acknowledged...until it needs to be done again. Kinda like dusting.

We got this awesome spice rack for our wedding...over 2 years ago. I noticed last week that the bottles were coated. Not sure exactly with what, but we keep it next to the stove, so I guess the vapors just deposit film on them.

So, here's what they looked like before I cleaned them. Notice, the glass is cloudy.

Here's after I cleaned each bottle. Notice, the glass is not cloudy.

But see, you probably wouldn't have noticed it until I devoted a whole post just to that.

Such is the life of a homemaker I guess, eh? That's ok. I know that they're clean now.

Tah duh!

Monday, January 25, 2010